Wednesday 24 August 2011


Ignoring you people is not going to make you go away, is it? I hope you are all aware that every time one of you comments this thing Grell nags me about writing another blog. It is tedious and I have better things to do. Lucky for you lot I will do anything to have a quiet life and shut a certain redhead up.

On the subject of Grell's nagging SHE also spent a lot of time complaining about how I addressed HER as male in my previous entries. Are you happy now Grell? I apologise for referring to you as a man, you can now stop sulking at me like a five year old.

As of last week I am back to work and fully recovered from my flu infection. I suppose I should thank those of you who wished me a speedy recovery. At the moment I am still working through the large stack of paperwork which built up on my desk during my time away from the office.

Much to my reluctance I am being dragged on a double date on Friday afternoon. I find dates awkward, even more so when there are other people on them. Maybe if I am lucky I will contract the flu again and have to cancel.


  1. Oh no you don't! Don't go bailing on Lady Grell! She'll be so upset!!

  2. So how'd it go??
