Tuesday 6 September 2011


I have given Grell Sutcliff overtime for the next two days so I have some peace at home for a little while. I might as well up date this while I have the time. I am well aware that I wrote in one of my first posts that I will only post when bored, so before anyone asks I am not bored without Grell. I came home to a quiet house, I made my dinner in peace and quiet and I did not have anyone burning my meal, whining at me or hindering my movements by wrapping their arms around my waist while I'm trying to cook.

If the amount of messages that I have received since leaving work is anything to go by I doubt Grell has done any work in the last few hours. Every five minutes I seem to get a message with protests about how she misses me, is bored and is apparently going to die from lack of kisses. It is not possible to die from lack of physical contact so I have no idea what she is talking about. I also could not care less about the spider Ronald Knox found in his office, which both of them insist in sending me images of, along with a caricature of the creature wearing a top hat and carrying a cane. If Ronald Knox has time to be drawing images of cartoon spiders I will just have to assign him some extra work to do. Writing all of this out makes me realise, I work with idiots.

If any of you wish to know how my double date with Grell and my other coworkers went I wish to inform you that is was horrible. It was awkward, disorganised and the restaurant did not have the meal I wanted in stock. Grell has probably mentioned before that I do not like public displays of affection and being forced to sit opposite a disgustingly affectionate couple made me uncomfortable. Grell then sulked when we got home because I was not appropriately affectionate. This is exactly why I did not want to go in the first place.


  1. No burnt food is always a good way to come home.
    And yes, I'm sure you do work with idiots. But they're probably useful sometimes. With Grell, you have someone to complain about to. And with Ronald, you have someone to dump boring work on.
    And some people just don't like big public dates. Don't worry. I think cosy little meals at home are just as good, and a lot more your thing.

  2. I think it's hilarious about Ronald and Grell sending u pics of the spider
    However I agree w u
    Get rid of the spider and move on
