Saturday 13 August 2011

I promised myself I would never write one of these things but my recent flu infection left me rather bored so I caved into the peer pressure and started one of these unpleasant blogs. I really have no interest so don't expect regular updates or for me to change around the display settings. Plain black will do me, I am nowhere near as showy as my idiotic partner. Unless I have something to say or I succumb to boredom again I wont bother with this. At least it stops me occasionally hijacking Grell's blog.

Speaking of Grell, there is nothing more pitiful than a flu infected mister Sutcliff trying to sing along with his favourite musicals. He sounds like a frog and he sooner he looses his voice again the better. I am starting to miss the peace and quiet I experienced yesterday. Sometimes I wonder why I bothered letting that moron move in with me. A perfect example of his stupidity is the rather large scene he caused when we had a row while shopping yesterday, I was humiliated. Arguing with Grell in public is never a logical idea, he is so loud and embarrassing.

I noticed that mister Sutcliff publicly announced that I was ill on his blog and my thanks to those who wished me a speedy recovery. I am feeling much better. I just wish Grell would take his nurse uniform off and put some clothes on, honestly. I am trying to work.

1 comment:

  1. *stalks you* Hello Sir!
    We like it when you hijack Grell's blog...I'll remember that arguing with Grell in public is not a good idea.... Get well soon!
    Nina xxx
